The National Reparation Society
Restore, Consecrate, Adore.
Offering Mass and devotions in reparation for our sins, the sins of our Church, & the sins of our nation.
For if the first and foremost thing in Consecration is this, that the creature's love should be given in return for the love of the Creator, another thing follows from this at once, namely that to the same uncreated Love, if so be it has been neglected by forgetfulness or violated by offense, some sort of compensation must be rendered for the injury, and this debt is commonly called by the name of reparation.
—Pope Pius XI

National Reparation Society
at the National Shrine of Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Only 35 miles from the White House and Capitol Hill, the Shrine is a fitting home for a spiritual society dedicated to making reparation for our sins, neglects, and offences – as individuals and families, as a Church, and as a nation. In fact, as a national shrine, we even have a duty to pray for the soul of our nation. And we invite you to join us.

Join the
National Reparation Society
at the National Shrine of Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Be part of the remedy, in the face of the forgetfulness of and offences against our Creator’s love, by returning to Him the love that is His due.
Sign up for e-newsletter to find out about specific, timely reparations that will be offered at the Shrine. Our newsletter goes out no more than once a month.
(We will protect the privacy of your email address and you may unsubscribe at any time.)
Please also consider a monthly sacrifice of alms to support the spiritual work of the Shrine.
May God reward your generosity and bless our efforts.