Check our Schedule page for changes to the weekly Mass schedule!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.


Octave of Masses

Enroll your intentions

Please check our Schedule page
for changes to our weekly Mass schedule!

Weekly Mass Schedule


7:30 am Traditional Latin Mass
9:30 am Traditional Latin Mass
11:30 am Traditional Latin Mass (High)

Monday through Friday

7:00 am Traditional Latin Mass

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday

12:10 pm Traditional Latin Mass


7:00 am Traditional Latin Mass followed by Exposition, Holy Hour, & Benediction

Triduum Schedule

Spy Wednesday

Masses at 7 am and 12:10 pm.
Tenebrae at 7 pm (Anticipated for Holy Thursday).
Download your Tenebrae booklet.

Holy Thursday

Solemn Mass at 7 pm.
Washing of feet, Procession to the Altar of Repose, and Stripping of the Altar to follow Mass.
Tenebrae (Anticipated for Good Friday) to follow Stripping.
Adoration until midnight in the Chapel.
Download your Tenebrae booklet.

Good Friday

Stations of the Cross and sermon at noon.
Mass of the Pre-Sanctified at 3 pm.
Veneration of the Relic of the True Cross to follow Mass.
Tenebrae at 7 pm (Anticipated for Holy Saturday).
Download your Tenebrae booklet.

Holy Saturday

Solmen Mass of Easter Vigil at 6:30 pm.
Includes blessing of the Easter fire, Baptismal Water, and the Paschal Candle.

Easter Sunday

Masses offered at 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 am.

Enroll your intentions

This Sunday at the Shrine:

Fourth Sunday

of Lent

30 March 2025

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live forever.
—John vi. 59

Sunday Schedule

7:30 am  Traditional Latin Mass
9:30 am  Traditional Latin Mass
11:30 am  Traditional Latin Mass (High)
3:30 pm  Solemn Vespers

Choral Vespers

Laetare Sunday

30 March 2025

Our hearts are open, Lord, to thee:
Thou knowest our infirmity;
Pour out on all who seek thy face
Abundance of thy pardoning grace.

—from the Hymn at Second Vespers

Coming up at the Shrine:

Stations of the Cross

Sermon Series

began 7 March 2025

Grant that I may love You always; and then do with me as You will.
—Saint Alphhonsus Liguori

Join us again this year for our Stations of the Cross & Sermon Series. We will broadcast it live from the Shrine every Friday evening during Lent.

Series schedule

Friday, 7 March: 6 pm
Friday, 14 March: 5:30 pm
Friday, 21 March: 6 pm
Friday, 28 March: 6 pm
Friday, 4 April: 6 pm
Friday, 11 April: 6 pm
Good Friday, 18 April: Noon


of the Blessed Virgin Mary

25 March 2025

The Holy Ghost shall come down upon thee, Mary, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.
—Ant. Magn. at First Vespers: Luke i. 35

Mass schedule

7 am  Traditional Latin Mass
12:10 pm  Traditional Latin Mass
7 pm  Traditional Latin Mass (High)

Light a candle for your intentions